
Feng Zhai

Principal Investigator

2011, B.S. Peking University, CN (Yuguo Ma); 2017, Ph.D. the University of Chicago (Rich Jordan); Pronouns: he/him

Adam Hand

Postdoctoral Fellow

2018, B.S. Univ of West Georgia (Spencer Slattery); 2024, Ph.D. Univ of Tennessee Knoxville (Zi-Ling Xue); Pronouns: he/him

Lasha Nakashidze

Graduate Student

2023, B.S. magna cum laude in Chemistry, San Diego State University – Georgia

Logan Boyle

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2025; Pronouns: he/him

Warren Clark

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2025; Pronouns: she/her

Delia Savin

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2025; Pronouns: she/her

Mackenzie Young

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2025; Pronouns: she/her

Jackson Jacobi

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2025

Jay Mehta

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2026; Pronouns: he/him

Miharu Yamakawa

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2027

Peace Lu

Undergraduate Researcher

Emory class of 2027; Pronouns: he/him

We saved you a spot!

Group Photo, Feb 2024. Back row (left to right): Delia Savin, Mackenzie Young, Lasha Nakashidze, Kenjiro Otake, Dr. Feng Zhai. Front row (left to right): Logan Boyle, Warren Clark, Darlene Lai.


Kenjiro Otake

Undergraduate Researcher

2023-2024; Current: Undergraduate at U of South California

Darlene Lai

Undergraduate Researcher

2023-2024; Current: Undergraduate student at Emory

Join us!
✓ Students interested in pursuing their graduate studies with us should apply to the Chemistry Ph.D. program. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to email Feng Zhai.
✓ Postdoctoral applications should be sent via email to Feng Zhai directly. Please include in the application package a curriculum vitae, 2-3 representative publications, and the contact information of 3 professional references.
✓ Emory undergraduate students interested in research in organic, inorganic, and/or organometallic chemistry are welcome, and please send a curriculum vitae and current transcript to Feng Zhai.